Doing Our Part!

If ever there was a time to extend your hand to help those in need, this is it. COVID-19 is not only a public health emergency, its effects extend to the worst economic decline in memory. Perhaps ever. That’s why Presidio & our partners (indeed many others throughout Ethiopia) are helping others make it through. Hopefully, this is one effect of the pandemic which will last. Of course there are many in need here in Addis even in the best of times.

It wasn’t too long ago that the United Nations declared 80% of Addis housing to essentially be nothing but “…slum like dwellings.” You might think that a lot of construction has gone on since then, but not that much has changed for the majority of the city’s populace. Given the large number of unemployed or underemployed in these challenging times, helping those who can no longer afford their own food is very important and we should all chip in to those efforts of course.

But as the rainy season sets in, we should also remember that for some families, basic shelter is also a critically unmet need. Partnering with Woreda 8 of the Kirkos Sub City, Presidio Asset Management, Mulga Real Estate PLC
and Atem Construction PLC have undertaken critical repairs for 7 homes of needy families in this area
for a total cost of ETB 440,000. But there are many more which need our help just as much. That’s why we’re asking for your support in the form of cash donations (can be made through the woreda) or in kind help (building materials, blankets, even your physical participation!) to support this effort. To help support these efforts, contact Mekdelawit Getachew @ Presidio’s sales office 0967 001705 / 0985 818181.
