A New Spirit

A global pandemic. War. Skyrocketing inflation. They are but the biggest challenges Ethiopia has gone through in 2013. The impacts on millions of low- or no-income Ethiopians can only be imagined. And the only way we can get through this as a nation, is together.

As a company, Presidio has previously contributed to various efforts including the rebuilding of homes around Kazanchis(in collaboration with Wereda 8, Kirkos Sub city), Burayu, Metekel and others. However, we feel that not only can we do more, but the current state of affairs requires it of us. At the same time, throughout relevant interaction with our partners, clients, friends & family – it is clear that this sentiment is shared by many others.

We have therefore decided – in collaboration with our partners, Festive Events and Labrina Restaurant – to embark on a series of quarterly events to not only facilitate our own contributions but to catalyze that of others – regardless of whether that happens through our events or otherwise.

It is self evident that none of us can help all of those who need it all the time. Therefore, we will focus each quarter’s event on a small number of areas that will then be changed from one event to the next. We hope this approach will also lead to individual contributors staying committed to causes going forward. Always present will be the opportunity to donate blood through the Ethiopian Red Cross Society and purchase GERD bonds through Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.

Helping Ethiopians in need wherever they are is the primary criteria which will guide our quarterly cause selections. Those selections should not be considered an assessment of which cause is worthy of giving to. Simply a best effort as to the more practical aspects of what can be done at a particular point in time both in terms of mobilizing support as well as reliably and effectively delivering it to the target causes.

For our first quarterly event, we are highlighting Nia foundation-Joy Autism Center and Abebech Gobena Association – both longstanding organizations which recently lost their founders due to Covid.  They need our help more than ever before.  No amount is too small and your donation can make a difference.    

Past Events

Burayu Support

Blood Drive at Liyu Executive Apts


First Quarterly Event – Oct 16, 2021, 10am – 4pm,  Labrina Restaurant

Light refreshments will be served!

Cause Description Support Needed & How it’s delivered
Joy Autism Center

Founded by Zemi Yunus, Joy Autism Center has been around since 2002, serving as one of the few sources of help for children on the autism spectrum. Unfortunately, Zemi passed way due to complications from Covid a few months ago leaving Joy more in need of our support than ever. Cash or  Clothes (Ages 4 & above;

Directly, representatives onsite

Abebech Gobena Association

Africa’s Mother Theresa – Sister Abebech Gobena – established her namesake foundation 41 years ago!  More than 300,000 Ethiopians depend on the foundation for various needs. She too passed away from Covid recently. Cash or  Clothes (Ages 0-18)

Directly, representatives onsite

Ethiopian Red Cross Society

Blood donation.  Please review guidelines for donating blood at the Red Cross website. Directly, representatives & facilities onsite.
GERD Support

There’s not much to say.  This may be the biggest national mobilization of support for an infrastructure project in the world.  And we’re pitching in so we encourage you to do the same. Purchasing Dam Bonds

Via CBE, Wuhalimat Branch who will be onsite at the event



Other Information

Parking will be available on the street or in the parking lot behind Rakan Mall

Covid Precautions
To comply with Covid precaution requirements, we will not be able to accommodate any more than 50 attendees at a time inside the restaurant compound.  However, we will also have staff available to accept donations (where possible) outside.

The greatest benefit of giving is in the act itself.  And we do not intend to use this initiative as a platform for promotion.  But we are happy to display your company logo (for donations that match or exceed ours) at our event(s) on an electronic screen as well as expressing our appreciation for your assistance on a variety of media platforms.


For any additional information please call us at 0967 001705 / 011 8 222679 or email newspirit@presidioethiopia.com.
